3 dimensional map boards were developed through close
interactions with our customers within the department
of defense.
Our first map board was CNC machined out of hard
foam and replicated Fort Bliss, Texas. We experimented
with a variety of foam products and searched for durable
soft foam that can easily be folded into a backpack,
and returns to its 3 dimensional form when unfolded.
We can replicate any portion of the earth’s
surface with mapping or overhead photography. We take
the mapping information from our customers and use
state of the art software to turn it into a computerized
3D image.
We then use our patented process to create a mold
to produce a standard 20"x20" foam mat.
We can adjust the scale of the imagery to fit the
needs of our customers and also have the ability to
include or exclude map features such as grid lines,
roads, or highways.
We can also include information from overlays and
design the 3 D map for a specific mission. This product
can be utilized for but is not limited to the following
practical purposes;
Terrain Model for rehearsal
(Rock Drill)
Map Reading Training
Map Reconnaissance
Terrain Model for rehearsal (Rock Drill) This
is the primary purpose for this product. During mission
planning process, key individuals spend countless
hours building a terrain model with a sand table or
by other expedient means for their rehearsal. The
3 DCT map allows our customers to continue planning
while we build the terrain model. We can build it
for specific missions in a short amount of time. For
units that continually train on their own installation
or the national training centers like NTC, or JRTC
this product can be used over and over again.
Reading Training Trainers have indicated that terrain features
such as a saddle, draw, or spur are difficult to identify
for beginners. A 3 DCT map can be an invaluable training
tool when placed side by side with a traditional map
Beginners would be able to clearly see the elevation
variances on the 3 DCT map and gain a clear visualization
of what contour lines represent.
Map Reconnaissance Map Recon can be somewhat difficult with a
traditional map. Whether attempting to select a route
for a tank, on foot, or selecting a site for placement
of a communications system or artillery piece, the 3
DCT map would increase the users ability to get it right
the first time.